Wednesday, November 2, 2011

J. Crew

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Is it just us or is J. Crew knocking it out of the park these days?!  It used to be all cardigans and chinos, but not anymore.  Well done, J. Crew, well done.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spotted: Starbucks Holiday Cups

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On my way to work this morning I noticed several people walking out of Starbucks with red cups, which can only mean one thing -- the Starbucks holiday cups have arrived early this year.  Oh joy!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Vesuvio Bakery (NYC)

I just returned from a lovely weekend in New York (minus the absurd snow storm on Saturday, of course!).  There are so many great things to do and see in New York that a weekend just never seems long enough!  A few delights this weekend included the Mercer Kitchen, the Mermaid Oyster Bar and the Momofuku Noodle Bar (the pork buns and the lychee slushie are a must).  But there's one place that's particularly charming: the Vesuvio Bakery on Prince Street in Soho (now technically Birdbath Bakery).  I used to live in New York and would walk by this place on my way home from work every day.  Their cookies are quite literally the best cookies I have ever eaten - and trust me, I've tried many cookies!  Their chocolate chip cookie is a piece of heaven!  It's as simple as it is decadent and you can literally feel the sugar crystals dissolve in your mouth.  But the cool thing is that this tiny lime green shop has a rich history.  It was opened in the 1920s by the Dapolito family and quickly became a local treasure, a place where the neighborhood would meet to exchange the stories of the day.  The bakery had to close a few years ago but was saved by Maury Rubin (also the creator of the City Bakery in Union Square) who not only preserved its integrity, nostalgia and all, but also made it an eco-friendly business (they even deliver their food in bicycle-powered rickshaws) that uses organic, regional products.  If you happen to be in New York, it's definitely worth a stop!

Happy Halloween

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(The incomparable Ms. Moss photographed by Mario Testino)

Friday, October 28, 2011

I'd Rather Date Dexter

                                                                                                                   (via Google Images)

I'll confess; when it comes to dating, I'm a bit of a disaster.  I'm a definite serial monogamist and one of those people who can tell (or at least I think I can) within the first few seconds of meeting a guy whether there's potential for swoon.  It's not a looks thing, it's a chemistry thing.  But lately, I've come to think maybe that approach is silly.  Maybe I've been overlooking some fantastic guys that way!  So recently I decided to act like a big girl and give dating (like a grown-up) a real shot.  Here are some highlights from my awkward trek through the dating desert during the last few months...

The first guy I met started off our date by eagerly offering "I'm really into physics!  Are you  into physics?"  I'm not sure exactly how it happened but somehow I ended up in a forty-five minute conversation about wormholes.  I still don't know exactly what a wormhole is.

No worries, on to the next guy:  a cute, shaggy-haired hedge fund guy from California ... who somehow felt it was appropriate to poke my arms and legs on repeated occasions with his extended finger to test how in shape I was!  Needless to say, no second date there.

But then there was the real estate development guy ... with whom I had a break-up on the first date!  Oh yeah, that happened.  He tried to convince me that we should "really try" at this and when I politely suggested the alternative he growled at me that I was making a huge mistake.  I think I'll take my chances but thank you for a lovely evening.

It was not all disastrous, though.  There was one boy who gave me a few of those elusive butterflies.  A smart, handsome, well-mannered, polo-playing entrepreneur who shared my passion for travel.  Sounds great, right?  Turns out he was dating two girls at the same time and telling both of us (polar opposites, btw) that we were exactly what he had always been looking for!  Did I mention he wore cowboy boots ... with everything?  This is something I had swiftly overlooked during the first few dates.  I should have known better.  Funny the things you can rationalize away when you're wearing swoon goggles!

You know it's bad when you'd rather be on a date with a serial killer than the guy you're with.  Even if he is a charming, well-intentioned, gorgeous serial killer like Dexter.  Or when an evening with a good book, your favorite sweat pants and a pizza seems like the more exciting option.  But I'm not giving up!  All it takes is just a few solo dance parties in said sweat pants to shake off some misadventures!  I know the swoon's out there!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Photography Tutorial
(via Kevin&Amanda)
I just got my first digital SLR camera, but I have no idea how to use it.  Cruising around the internet, I found this really handy guide and I'm hoping it will greatly improve my skills.  The best part is it shows both Canon and Nikon features (I'm on Team Canon).

Monday, October 24, 2011


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We both recently became obsessed with the show "Dexter."  I can't believe it has been on for 5 seasons and we just discovered it.  Luckily, the seasons are easy to find online or on demand and we've been plowing through.  It's so good.  And, of course, I love the fact that it's based in my hometown -- Miami!

Any other Dexter fans out there?  Isn't it amazing that they can make a serial killer so likeable?!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Friday

                                                                                    (via Pinterest)

This week I had a few little misadventures with a not-so-awesome person and it made me realize how grateful I am for the wonderful people in my life.  Forget all the nasties out there!  Here's to all the nice, kind, fabulous people who make the world lovely!  Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Say Anything

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(via pinterest)
I consider myself pretty lucky when it comes to the men in my life.  My dad and brother are both amazing people and I have several really wonderful male friends.  Even my ex-boyfriends aren't too bad.  But lately I've been hearing these awful stories about boys lying, cheating and doing all kinds of horrible things to their ladies.  I mean, really horrible.  I know girls can be bad too, but I feel like the stories about awful boys far outnumber the stories about awful girls.  What is it that makes these guys think this behavior is ok?  And where are the Lloyd Doblers of the world?!   


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I want to live here.  Love the mix of rustic and modern.  And the children's artwork on the wall.  Perfection.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Aged Cheddar and Apple Melt

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(via Wit & Delight)
I must try this immediately.  Doesn't it seem like the perfect fall meal?  And it will be a great opportunity to use the panini press that I recently purchased on impulse (oh Gilt, you get me every time!)   

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Hunger Games

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I'm currently reading the last book of the Hunger Games trilogy.  I'm kind of obsessed.  The books are so gripping.  This is a poster for the movie coming out in March 2012.  I can't wait! 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Picnics


So it's officially fall (in DC anyway)!  The air is crisp, the leaves are starting to turn different shades of red, brown and yellow and apples and pumpkins seem to be everywhere.  It's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is but there's just something enchanting about fall...  It seems loaded with possibility.  And what could be more fun than a country picnic in the fall?!  So whimsical and lovely!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Coveting Bangs

(via Google Images)
I really want bangs, but they don't suit me...(sigh).

P.S. Have you seen Zooey Deschanel's new show?  So good.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Current Obsession

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(via sparkling-glitter)
This has been my lunch for the past couple of days.  It's so tasty and healthy and satisfying.  I think it also would be great with some eggs for breakfast.  Yum...

Friday, October 7, 2011


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(via The Berry)
I have a surprising amount of self control even after a few cocktails.  But I've certainly been guilty of sending a slightly crazy text every now and again.  Wouldn't this prompt be so great?!  It would save us from that dreaded next-morning panic that starts with "did I text anyone last night?"  and ends with "oh holy jesus!"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lemons and Lemonade

                                                                                (Photography credit unknown.)

What would a blog about swoon be without a few posts about boys?  It’s true, sometimes we hate them, and sometimes they turn us into complete lunatics capable of seriously mortifying behavior.  Let’s be honest, ladies, which one of us hasn’t had a swoon-driven bout of the crazies at one time or another?!  But at the end of the day, it’s hard not to love them.  Both of us are just ever-so-slightly north of thirty and recently single (long stories we will spare you) and it’s no secret that dating around thirty can be a bit of a wilderness expedition.  So we thought, until we find our perfect soulmates, why not share a few of these stories?  If they don’t make some of you feel better about your dating lives, maybe they’ll at least give you a few laughs…. Stay tuned!ned!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


(via travelthirst)
We just got back from Paris.  It was one of those amazing trips that came at a time when we both needed it and turned out as great as we had hoped.  We ate delicious food, bought trendy clothes, soaked in Paris's beauty and even saw the lovely Diane Kruger (who is even more stunning in person).  We came back completely inspired and decided to start a blog to share some of the things that make us swoon (like Paris in September) and recount some of our adventures (and misadventures, of course).  Enjoy!